Prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey with Morris Brown and his talented daughters, Ty and Vanni, in the fun filled pages of “College Day.” This captivating book invites readers to join them on three remarkable adventures, as they explore the campuses of three local colleges.
Their first stop takes them to the renowned UCLA campus, where Morris teaches video post-production courses. Together, they discover the beauty of the architecture and indulge in a treasured Saturday evening tradition. Walking through the campus, they find solace in a quiet study lounge, where Ty and Vanni play while Morris serenades them on the piano.
Next, they venture to Loyola Marymount University, a sprawling campus that becomes their playground in the serene late afternoons. Ty rides her bike, while Vanni glides on her scooter, exploring picturesque grounds. They reach a breathtaking cliffside view, a favorite stop along their journey. Inside classrooms, Morris becomes their instructor, teaching them with passion and excitement. The drama department becomes a stage for their spontaneous performances, guided by their father’s direction.
Their final destination is Otis College of Art and Design, a cherished campus that resonates deeply with Ty and Vanni’s artistic talents. Ty’s exceptional drawing skills and Vanni’s passion for fashion design find inspiration in every corner. Each floor reveals awe-inspiring student work, igniting their own creative spirits.
“College Day” is a celebration of family, creativity, and the wonders of exploration. Morris Brown’s evocative storytelling will captivate young readers, inspiring them to embrace their passions and cherish the journey of discovery. Join Ty, Vanni, and their adoring father on this unforgettable adventure, where the power of art and education intertwine to create a masterpiece of joy and imagination.
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